Greenfield Center Fire Company #1
The Greenfield Center Fire Department covers the central/Eastern portion of the Town of Greenfield.
For a more detailed description of what areas are served directly by the Greenfield Center Fire Department, visit the district map page.
The Greenfield Center Fire Department has five pieces of equipment that serve our community. You can view pictures of the firehouse and find out more about these trucks by visiting the facilities and apparatus page. The Greenfield Center Fire Department hosts a variety of events throughout the year. You can view photos of these events on the company photo page. Additional questions regarding the department can be forwarded via our contact page.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 57 Greenfield Center, 12833 |
Street Address: 13 South Greenfield Road Greenfield Center, NY 12833 |
Non-Emergency Phone: (518) 893-7111
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Trucks are named according to their capabilities. For example, “E” stands for engine and denotes a truck that can pump more than 1,000 gallons of water per minute. “T” stands for tanker which means the truck carries a minimum of 1,000 gallons of water. “L” means that a truck carries a certain number of ladders on the truck.
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ETA-261 Classification: Engine-Tanker |
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ETA-262 Classification: Engine-Tanker |
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R-263 Classification: Heavy Rescue |
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F-264 Classification: Forestry |
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MED-266 Classification: Medical Fire Response |
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Firefighters of the Greenfield Center Fire Department
Life Members of the Greenfield Center Fire Department
A life member is a firefighter who has served more than fifteen years in the fire district and has retired from active service.
(D) Deceased |
Auxiliary Life Members
(D) Deceased |
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Firematic Officers
Firematic Officers are responsible for the emergency operations side of the company. Firematic Officers ensure that training is accomplished, command operations during emergencies, and ensure that the company’s equipment is ready whenever they are needed.
- District Chief: Duane Bogardus Email:
- Deputy Chief: Jerrid Marshall Email: [javascript protected email address]">GreenfieldDC@greenfieldfd,org
- Assistant Chief: William Coffey Email:
- Captain: vacant
- Captain: vacant
- Lieutenant: Vacant
- Lieutenant: vacant
- Safety Officer: Tom Vumbaco
Administrative Officers
Administrative Officers are responsible for the administrative side of the company. They organize the social aspects of the company: fund raisers, meetings and public events.
- President: Brian Gibbins
- Vice President: Jerrid Marshall
- Recording Secretary: Nick McDowell
- Financial Secretary: vacant
- Treasurer: Harold C. Hall Jr.
- Deputy Treasurer: William Etson
- Sergeant at Arms: Nick McDowell
Greenfield Center Auxiliary Officers